Monthly Prices For Classes
Here is the average cost of martial arts classes (1 Year Contract)
*Don't want to do a contract? Add $70 to the prices below.
Prices For 1 Class A Week
Prices For 2 Classes A week
Prices For 4 Classes A Week
Prices For Unlimited Classes
Private Lessons
Each Lesson is 45 min. long and cater to your exact needs.
Prices For 1 Private Lesson
Prices For 5
Private Lessons
Prices For 10
Private Lessons
Demo Team
If you want to be on our Chinese Lion Dance / Dragon Dance Team. It's completely FREE.
Call us at 702-336-1095 for details
Listen... we believe in having straightforward costs / prices with no hidden up-sells. So we have a clear cut tuition and costs:
*Monthly prices / tuition is standard across the board, based on how many times a week you come to class*The cost / prices for belt testing does not increase with belt rank.*You do need some equipment but once you get all of your stuff, we don't suddenly require more.
Naturally, we HIGHLY recommend coming to more than once per week. First, the once a week program is by far the most expensive per class. Second, progress at once a week is so slow that may people eventually get discouraged.
Finally, we want you to be motivated and we also want you to really get good at martial arts. No teacher wants to see student fall behind.
We need help! Would you like to trade your time for enrollment at our school? To begin with, here are some positions we need:
*These are not paid positions. Only apply if you want to volunteer to work and in exchange, come to classes for FREE!
Someone to help keep the school clean:
You would be in charge of cleaning the bathrooms, scrubbing down the mats, cleaning the mirrors, vacuuming and wiping down tables. Specifically, you would clean everyday after your class and a few hours on Saturday or Sunday for the thing that can't be done during the weekdays.
Instructor / Classroom Helper:
You would help the main instructor with holding pads, lining the students up, and in general making sure that they are focused and paying attention.
You would help input students into our computer system and other clerical duties.
You will write articles for the website.
You will take pictures and videos of class and edit them put them up on youtube.