How would you like to train in the original mixed martial art...Bruce lee's jeet kune do?
Are you looking to learn how to defend yourself, and your family? Jeet Kune Do is one of the most effective martial art systems for self-defense ever made.
Jeet Kune Do
Here's something you probably don't know about...
Before, in the late 1960's Bruce Lee developed his personal way of fighting which he labeled as Jeet Kune Do or the way of intercepting fist.
Did you know, Jeet Kune Do is not a style, but rather an aggregate of principles for developing the martial artist's mind and body?
Also, Learning JKD is the perpetual development of speed, timing, footwork, coordination and power regardless of style.
Central to the heart of JKD is the growth of the individual as a fighter.
The Jeet Kune Do student will not try to imitate Bruce Lee or even attempt to follow in his path. Rather, you strive to find yourr own path of self discovery and self learning to develop their personal Jeet Kune Do.
Simultaneously, you are free to adopt all or none of Bruce Lee's teachings. Truly, If they were to discard all of what Bruce Lee originally taught, they would still be practicing Jeet Kune Do.
Bruce Lee's Jeet Kune Do
Here's the story:
It may seem quite normal today for people to combine different styles together (MMA).
However, at the time when Bruce Lee was developing JKD, this practice was revolutionary.
This is one of the reasons why Bruce Lee has remained popular to this day.
Bruce Lee was an early pioneer of mixing martial arts together.
Let me be a bit more specific...
Before, as a young man growing up in Hong Kong, Bruce Lee started learning Wing Chun Gung Fu, (A close range fighting system), and Western Fencing.
Ultimately, these two arts form the base of JKD.
Jeet kune do is no way as the way
Jeet Kune Do seeks to free the student of restriction or "ways". One of the main tenets of Bruce Lee's art is "To have no way as way". this was one of Bruce Lee's most famous quotes.
In fact, students of Jeet Kune do are EXPECTED to modify and change the techniques they learn and experiment with what works for them.
Actual training in the art of Jeet Kune Do, includes the learning of many different styles.
Ultimately,, Jeet Kune Do is a set of concepts rather than a set pattern.
Multiple styles within Jeet Kune Do
Over time he was exposed to many different styles or forms of martial arts.
Some of the arts he drew from are: Wing Chun, European Fencing, Western Boxing, Savate, Tai Chi and Jujitsu.
Borrowing from multiple styles and could lead to a jumbled mess. In reality, he was constantly measuring each technique against the standard of how effective it was in real fighting.
In addition, Bruce Lee wanted make sure that he was NOT defining a fixed set of techniques that, in combination, would be Jeet Kune Do.
Jeet Kune Do has no limitations
However, Bruce Lee also believed that if you used a particular style of martial arts, you would be limiting what you could do in the fight. (think of a wrestler who does not know how to punch).
He did not want to be confined by style.
Instead, he was trying to free himself from the constraints and limitations that styles lock you into.
What does all this mean to you?
Generally speaking, when learning Jeet Kune Do you get a mix of different things that work and you have a lot more options.
Multiple styles = multiple options
After all, what training in the martial arts really does for you, is it gives you options.
Options of techniques, option of ranges, options of what weapons to use. Given that, the more techniques you know, the better you can respond since you know what to do in every situation.
In fact, the very definition of JKD use only what works, and discarding what doesn't. Obviously, Jeet Kune Do was created with self-defense as the primary goal.
Interested In just JKD?
Bruce Lee believed in being a total package. He himself trained in multiple styles of martial arts.
Some of the concepts you will learn in our JKD classes:
These are some of the concepts and drills we teach in FMA class.
Bruce lee believed that every individual must develop their own unique style of fighting based on what works for them.
Central to the heart of JKD is the growth of the individual as a fighter.
The Jeet Kune Do student will not try to imitate Bruce Lee or even attempt to follow in his path. Rather, you strive to find yourr own path of self discovery and self learning to develop their personal Jeet Kune Do.
Simultaneously, you are free to adopt all or none of Bruce Lee's teachings. Truly, If they were to discard all of what Bruce Lee originally taught, they would still be practicing Jeet Kune Do.
Question: What is Jeet Kune Do?
Answer: The art of Jeet Kune Do is not a style of martial arts but rather a system of attributes and training methods developed by Bruce Lee. Jeet Kune Do is not a style but a way of thinking or a set of concepts.
Here’s what people are saying about our school.
The Las Vegas Kung Fu Academy is a great place to train
The Las Vegas Kung Fu Academy is a great place to train. Classes have a cooperative, rather than the competitive, atmosphere.
All of the other students are willing to help me learn and achieve.
I highly recommend coming here. It was one of the best decisions I have made.
John H.
Instructor Kevin has a quality of humbleness and modesty, he is patient and encouraging
I have trained in many different fighting systems over the years, but instructor Kevin is the top instructor I have worked with. Instructor Kevin has a quality of humbleness and modesty, he is patient and encouraging.
He not only teaches the actual techniques, but also the reasons why it is done the way it is. Overall, Instructor Kevin is extremely committed to BOTH the learning and teaching of JKD.
Josh W.
We've tried to answer any questions you might have but if we've missed something you can always call us at 702-336-1095.
Answer: Yes, of course. You are welcome to observe or try a class. However, please contact us to schedule an appointment to come in. The trial class is free.
Answer: Wear comfortable clothing. Also, wearing flip-flops or sandals are the easiest. Our students are not allowed to have footwear on when training on our mats. However, when they do step off our mats footwear is required. Also, we recommend you bringing a water bottle.
Answer: Adult classes are 90 minutes. Also, you can checkout our class schedule here:
Answer: You're never too old to start martial arts. indeed, we have student of all ages and at different fitness levels. Don't worry about not being in shape. Enrolling in martial arts will help you get in shape. Here at our school, you work at your own pace and set your own goals. in short, we are here to help you in reaching your own personal goals.
Answer: Yes, testing fees are $55 per student. Testing are held twice a year in April and October. In addition, Black belt testing fee is $100.
Answer: Of course! You don't need to have any experience to start. Eventually, you will improve and soon you will feel very comfortable in class.
Answer: Our program is on-going. in other words, you can start at anytime.
Answer: Everyone's schedule is different. Most people come twice a week. However, some students love our classes so much, they come everyday
Answer: Usually, if you are on a trial program, you can borrow our equipment. However, if you enroll in our regular program, you are required to have your own equipment eventually. In addition, your equipment packages can be purchased here at our martial arts studio.
Answer: Martial arts (like any other sport) has its various risks and dangers. However, we always try our best to prevent injuries. In addition, we always promote a culture of safety at our school that helps keep students from getting injured.
Here’s what people are saying about our school.
I strongly recommend training with Instructor Kevin
At a time and age where martial arts has become a common commodity, it is extremely rare to find someone who has dedicated his life into pursuing martial arts the way Instructor Kevin has.
I had the privilege of learning JKD from Instructor Kevin for over a year now and have always been amazed by the amount of passion and commitment he has devoted to his craft
Given Instructor Kevin's willingness to share his knowledge to those who are eager to learn, I I strongly recommend training with Instructor Kevin,
Mark K.
The Kung Fu Academy has a great new studio and awesome instructors
The Kung Fu Academy has a great new studio and awesome instructors. I love the variety of styles that they teach and their friendliness and care of the students. It's like a family.I always walk away feeling better about what I learned and have got a workout. in fact, my son comes too and also loves it. So happy to have found somewhere as welcoming and challenging as The Las Vegas Kung Fu Academy!