This Stealthy Statistic Will Help You Recruit More Students

By Kevin

If you are using your school’s computer-based management system to generate statistics to help with marketing, be sure you’re looking at the right numbers in order to target the right audience with your advertising and other marketing activities.

One area of statistics that deserves a closer look is the age of students you should target to draw in new members.

When marketing to find new clients, looking at the age of current students can be misleading. A better statistic is probably the starting age of your students.

In our school, this tells us that the starting age is a bit younger than the median age of students who are currently training. It also tells us that girls usually start later than boys.

As you look at your own statistics, be sure to evaluate all of the numbers. Of course, you won’t pass up any opportunities to market your school, but if you focus on your target starting age, you will find you have the most success.

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