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  • How do you make a roundhouse kick even harder?

To throw a really hard roundhouse kick you need to stay balanced, increase your leg strength, make sure to turn your hips over, use your arms as counterbalances, and pivot on the ball of your foot.

 process guide 

5 Steps on How to Make Your Roundhouse Kick Harder:


Work on your balance


Increase leg strength


Turn your hips over


Use your arms to counterbalance


Pivot correctly on the non kicking leg

If you were also just sitting on your bed thinking about how to make your roundhouse kick harder, then you and I have got a lot to talk about. Believe it or not it's actually simpler than it seems, so I hope the tips I found make things a little easier.

I did some research on how to make your roundhouse kick harder, and it said you have to work on your balance, increase leg strength, turn your hips over, use your arms as a counterbalance, and pivot correctly on your non kicking leg. On paper, it looks pretty easy, but in real life, we are one missed step away from potential disaster, trust me. I really want you to remember these steps, so here it is one more time to make sure you don't forget.

Martial Arts Kicking

I don't know how you got here, but let me tell you how I did. I can see anything on TV and immediately assume I can do it just as well, martial arts included. How hard could it be right? You just stand up, watch the clip a few more times, and do it perfectly with no mistakes. Well, a sore hip, a few bruises, and an aching ego say I may have been wrong and jumped a bit too far ahead. After getting down the form a little, I realized that at this point, I won't be winning a fight anytime soon. With the roundhouse kick I have now, I could kick a pillow and it wouldn't move. I don't know about you, but if you're here, that means you want a powerful roundhouse kick as well. So, to help us both out, I have done the research needed to become the best roundhouse kickers the world has ever seen. Put on some pajamas, grab a drink, and let's get this party started.text here...

Work on your balance

I read that and thought, no way, it can't be that easy, but it is! Like, really, think about it, you can't ride a bike that you can't balance on. You'll fall every time. The same concept applies to creating a powerful roundhouse kick. By increasing balance, you'll become more stable and confident in your roundhouse kick. Unfortunately, just wanting it really badly does not actually help you achieve things, it takes a little more effort than that. If you really want to make your roundhouse kick harder, you have to put in the work to do so. With that being said, I found a couple of ways to quickly and properly increase your balance. 

I thought I was being pranked by how easy it is to improve your balance.If you think hardcore exercise for twenty five hours, eight days a week, you are absolutely wrong. The correct answer is actually walking and stretching. Focus on walking from your heel through to your toe and engaging in stretches that promote strength in your legs. By engaging in pretty basic exercise and remembering to stretch at the end, you are increasing your balance and flexibility at the same time. You need to be able to maintain balance on one foot while using your flexibility to lift your kicking leg to the correct height. Focusing on these steps will help to elevate your kick to the next level. I know this seems like you have to wait longer than you hoped for, but you can't make your roundhouse kick harder if you don't work on this step. And hey, just think, in no time your roundhouse kick will be hard enough to break a rock, or maybe something a little less intense.

Increase leg strength

Remember how I was just talking about exercises that increase your leg strength for balance? Well, I hope you were paying attention because that's the next tip. Having good leg strength will also help you to increase the power needed to make your roundhouse kick harder. Just seeing these tips made me think to myself, dang, I was doing it all wrong this whole time. Of course you need strong legs to kick harder, uh! How could I have missed that. But I can't dwell on the past, we've got work to do! A few good exercises to start doing regularly are lunges, calf raises, and squats. Easy peasy right? Imagine kicking a tree and it splits in half, that would be awesome! Some people might say, what? You're crazy, that's impossible! I say, not if your legs are as strong as ours. Back me up on this. By adding these simple exercises to your everyday schedule, you will be gradually increasing the strength of your legs. Strong muscles help to increase balance and vice versa. If you need more of a challenge, try adding some weights to your exercises. Don't just jump to the heaviest weights you can find though, pick ones you can manage and gradually increase the weight as you see fit. Just by adding two pieces of advice, we are already much closer to successfully making our roundhouse kick harder. Once balance and strength are taken care of, the only things left to work on are the technicalities. 

Roundhouse Kick

Turn your hips properly

I know you're excited to get started, but don't practice just yet. We still have to learn what to do with our hips. After doing a little research, I found that the general consensus is to rotate your hips smoothly with the kick in a fast motion. Let's break it down step by step. Make sure to lift your leg up to be about level with your hip, chamber it next to you. Once you practice the motion of just getting your leg up to the correct height, you can start using your hips as well.  You want to turn your hips over, meaning they should be moving forward with the kick. You can actually injure yourself pretty bad if you don't do this correctly, so make sure to take it slow and really understand how to kick properly.

 Bringing your hips over is one of the most important parts to remember. The hips generate a surprising amount of power to your roundhouse kick, so don't underestimate this step. When you lift your heel off the ground, it will make rotating your hips over much easier, you'll learn more about what to do with your heel in the final step, don't worry, it's coming up. Make sure you stretch well before attempting any of these steps, having tight hips will prevent you from being able to deliver a solid kick, and can also lead to injury. Phew! That felt like a lot, but trust me, it's worth it to get this part right. Don't zone out on me yet, there are only two more steps needed to give you everything you need to make your roundhouse kick harder.

Use your arms to counterbalance

Hey! Stay with me here, we're almost at the end, there are only two more tips on how to make your roundhouse kick harder. Now take a look at your arms, those bad boys aren't just for show, they've got a very important purpose. There is a lot of momentum involved in a roundhouse kick, so you want to use every part of your body to stay on your feet. Let's say you're using your left leg to kick, all your weight is now resting on your right leg, which is why balance is so important. Use your left arm to follow the direction of your kick, this will help you to aim properly while using your upper body to generate more power. Slightly lift your right elbow behind you so that it counterbalances against the momentum of the left leg, but keep your fist close to your face for protection. If you quickly turn your whole body in one direction without using your arms, the weight distribution will be off, and you won't have any counterbalances to keep you upright, ultimately resulting in you ending up on the ground.

The positioning of your arms is very important. Imagine going to give the hardest roundhouse kick of your life and your foot goes out from underneath you, yikes. All your generated power is gone and you're now laying on the floor with a clear view of the sky. Not great. Put everything you learned together and slowly practice getting the technique right. One arm follows the kicking leg while the opposite goes out slightly behind you to act as a counterbalance. I have also seen some people say that you should have the arm on the kicking side go down for balance as well. There will always be slight variations to how people do things, so figure out what works best for you and what will help your balance the most. If your body feels stable, you will be confident in your kick, which will then help you put more power into the delivery.

Pivot correctly on the non kicking leg

Hooray! We made it to the fifth and final piece of advice on how to make your roundhouse kick harder. This is the moment where it all finally comes together, everything we learned has lead to this. This is the final step before the roundhouse kick is complete. The final bit of advice I found is to make sure you are pivoting your foot in the correct direction when trying to kick. It might seem like a minor detail, but it's not, everything else goes to waste if this step is ignored. When preparing your kick, make sure you lift your heel and pivot. Your heel will pivot toward the direction of the object you're trying to kick, but make sure you stay on the balls of your feet.

If you put weight on your heels, your balance will start to lean backwards, which is a big no no. You can't generate any power if you feel like you're falling every time you kick. By using the ball of your foot, you can move easier and quicker, thus creating a harder, more powerful kick. Practice standing on the ball of your foot with one leg, pivot back and forth until you feel comfortable doing it. And that's it, that's the final step to making your roundhouse kick harder, I can't believe it's actually over!

In conclusion

Practice makes perfect and perfect takes time. Executing a strong and powerful roundhouse kick definitely needs a lot of work and practice. Does that mean to give up, absolutely not! Some parts may be harder to get used to then others, no biggie. Take a deep breath, don't worry, and use a little time everyday to practice. Before you know it, your roundhouse kick will definitely be a lot more powerful and stronger. Regardless, I hope you learned something here that will make things at least a little easier for you in the long run. Have fun with the process and start practicing on your technique, with a little patience and dedication, those trees won't stand a chance.